Storage units are not just for junk! Many people are now utilising self-storage as an effective way to help run their businesses.

Reasons Why Self Storage Works For Business


From time to time many businesses can find themselves in need of temporary storage. For example when a business relocates or carries out decorating and/or refurbishment. As most self-storage facilities offer short, medium or long term storage options which are rented on a monthly basis; it is easy for businesses to rent a storage unit temporarily. Also sometimes a business may need more or less storage and the flexibility offered by most self-storage facilities allows a business to downsize or upsize as required.


If you need security for stock or sensitive documents, then your office or your home (if you are a home based business), may not be the best place. Many of the best storage facilities invest thousands of pounds in alarms, CCTV, boundary fencing and lighting, meaning that your stored items are often far safer in a self-storage unit. Storage units are a great place to archive documents your business is legally required to keep but take up valuable space in an office.


Home based businesses and businesses in small offices benefit from self-storage units as it is a very cost effective way to allow the business to grow and develop without having to relocate. Many self-storage facilities also offer a variety of sized units to accommodate your business as it continues to grow.

Are you looking for a high security, low cost business space? If the answer is yes, then Spaces and Places has everything to meet your needs, and are found in 3 superb locations Manchester, Nuneaton and Winsford.

A whole variety of businesses appreciate Spaces and Places range of high security steel containers and more traditional brick built premises. Both offer high security, but the brick built business units also provide easy-access roller shutters, with ground locks, plus power and lighting, enabling them to be used for a wide variety of purposes.

Get in touch with Spaces and Places to discuss the best options of storage unit for your business.

When starting a business, you need to find a space where you will not become distracted.

It is easy to get up and make a snack if you work in the kitchen and the temptation of a nap in your bedroom can be hard to resist; this is why you need a room where you will not get lose focus and can fully concentrate on running a successful business.

Once you have decided on which room you are going to convert into an office, it is time to remodel. Cleaning, clearing and decorating are the first steps you need to undertake.

If your business is purely online such as eBay, how you decorate depends on your personal preference. If you will be conducting face to face business, decorating your room should revolve around your company colours and vision.

If you own a business, you will understand how easy it is for your working space to become cluttered with important paperwork, merchandise and products. With studies showing that the average person spends around 4.3 hours every week searching for paperwork; being organised is key to business success.

If you do not have space in your home to create an office, or you simply prefer to detach your work life from your home life; turn to self storage. You can turn the space into something special and create a platform to sell products. Have a look at how this eBayer transformed a storage unit at Spaces and Places.

Also, self-storage becomes a necessity for businesses that have gathered paperwork over the years. You will have file cabinets filled with important documents that you can not afford to throw away. These documents naturally take up space and removing them from your office will give you extra room.

Whether you need to store documents or rent a business unit, Spaces and Places are here to answer any questions you may have. With top of the range security and access to your unit 24/7, there is no better time to get in touch and start growing your business today.

Christmas is only a few weeks away, which means during the next few days your time will be spent decorating your home. In order to make sure your home looks festive yet tidy, have a read through our tips.


This may sound obvious, but by cleaning each room and removing items from shelves, you have more room to put up decorations. Once you have taken items down, place them all in boxes and store in a storage unit to prevent moving the clutter into another room.

Start small

Focus on decorating and cleaning one room at a time. Start with the family room where you spend most of your time, then move on to another room. A great first step is to throw away old coupons, newspapers and other items that you no longer need.


Presents take over the house during Christmas. If you have children, your job is to hide their presents in a place they can’t reach or find! If these presents are small, then the top of the wardrobe will suffice. However, if you have bought larger items such as a bicycle, dolls house etc. then a storage unit will keep the gifts well hidden, safe and secure!


Instead of purchasing lots of Christmas cards and spending countless hours writing each one individually, go digital. This will not only save you time, but you may inspire others to do the same! If you receive lots of Christmas cards, why not digitalise the collection? You can then display all your cards in a more compact and less untidy way.

Storage unit

A storage unit is a lifesaver through the party months. If you are hosting a party, you will want as much free space as possible, which means you have to move items from your home to a safe place. Storage units are not only secure, but you are able to access the unit 24/7, which allows you to pick up items at your convenience.

If you are looking for a place to hide Christmas presents or a place to keep your belongings safe and secure, get in touch with Spaces and Places.



December is nearly here which means the hectic month is upon us. In order to stop your home becoming full of Christmas clutter, then you need to turn to self-storage.

Here’s why…


If you are expecting a house full this Christmas, then you will need to make space to fit all visitors comfortably in your home. Get everything that you will not be needing out of the way, so you are able to make room for extra chairs, tables, decorations and other necessities. By removing unessential items, you suddenly have extra space to play Christmas games and maybe even create a dance floor!


One of the best parts for everyone on Christmas Day is opening up all the presents! However, it can be quite hard to keep presents well hidden, especially if you live with children! Rather than becoming annoyed and constantly worried they will find their presents, or worse, you forget where your secret hiding place is; give yourself some peace of mind and hide them in self storage. All of our storage units have top of the range security, insurance for as little as 55p a week and no fixed contracts – all we ask for is a week’s notice.


Decorations play a key part in making Christmas special and memorable. The majority of homes concentrate on making the inside of their home decorative, but a few expand the decorations to the outside. Whether you have Father Christmas and flashing lights outside, or tinsel and Christmas trees inside, you will have spent a lot of time, money and energy in creating a perfect setting; which is why you don’t want your hard work to go to waste.

Self-storage allows you to re-use your decorations yearly, which means you can avoid the dreaded shopping trips in the future.

Make Christmas a time of celebration and take control this year. If you have any questions or seek advice on the best storage options for you, get in touch with Spaces and Places.

Even though e-books have become popular over the years, nothing compares to holding a book in your hand.

Over the years you will have gained a large book collection ranging from cookbooks to dictionaries, which will most likely take up valuable space in your home.

Instead of throwing books away, a great idea is to store them creatively in your home. This not only adds character, but allows you to have easy access.

Home Library – If you have a large book collection, then a home library allows you to become creative with storage. Depending on your main aim and the space you have in your home, you can make the library large or small. If you are creating a library as a place to relax, then a large room would be more beneficial, whereas if you’re creating a library as a place to store all your books, then the size of the room depends on the volume of books you have.

Shelves – Due to the popularity of bookshelves, there are many designs that will suit the character of your home. Vertical bookshelves create the illusion that your ceiling appears higher, which is an option to consider if you are placing a bookshelf in a small room.

Limited Space – If you live in a small home or apartment, then you will have to become more creative when storing as you do not want your home to look overcrowded. Many items have hidden storage compartments which work great for additional space. A wicker basket adds character to your home and leaves space inside to store your books. Also, chairs that have removable lids allow you to sit comfortably but also act as a hiding place for your items.

Self Storage – If you are unable to create a home library to store all your books, then self storage is a great option to prevent excess books making your home appear untidy. When storing books, make sure they are flat and store similar sized books together. Remember to label the genre of books on the box so you are able to find the book you are looking for when you return!

Spaces and Places offer 24/7 access to all units, this convenient option allows you to enter the unit at all times. Get in touch to learn more tips about storing all types of books.

It is normal to have a disagreement with your significant other now and again, however, it may come as a shock to learn how many couples argue over having an untidy house.

Clutter has a large impact on whether a relationship will progress to the next stage and since 41% of people stated that they would refuse to move in with their partner due to their clutter crimes; clutter may break your relationship.

The UK have the smallest homes in Europe and with new housing in the UK being built smaller, space continues to be an issue.

If you can relate to the 2.4 million couples in the UK who argue up to 154 times a year over clutter, it may be time to change your ways before clutter creates a barrier and ruins your relationship.

But how?

Rather than moving into a larger home, ending your relationship or continue arguing, storage is the answer. 

Storage – Different storage options help keep items organised and not visible to the naked eye. If you live in a small home, investing in a bed that has draws attached to the structure allows you to maximise the space you have. Depending on your budget, you may choose to purchase a larger wardrobe, extra cabinets or even a coffee table that comes with draws installed. There are many attractive storage items that can add character to your house, while solving your clutter problems!

Self Storage – The beauty of self storage, is that you do not need to throw any memories or cherished items away. Within a few hours, you can move items into a storage unit and your home will feel more spacious and most importantly; clutter free! When you wish to retrieve the items you placed in storage, you are able to access the unit at any time convenient. At Spaces and Places all units are accessible 24hours a day, 7 days a week.

Clutter is known to increase stress, make it harder to relax and affect the ability to think clearly. Get in touch with Spaces and Places and say goodbye to the endless arguments revolving around the dreaded word; clutter.

Once a year, on October 31st, the majority of people around the world celebrate the unique and superstitious holiday; Halloween.

Halloween is a holiday where you can dress up, carve pumpkins, let children trick-or-treat and throw elaborate parties for friends and family! As exciting as Halloween is, it is also a time where you can spend hours decorating your home and creating your own costume which can become expensive and time consuming.

In order to not put your hard work to waste, read our top tips on how to protect all your Halloween items.


If you are throwing a Halloween party for the first time, you may be shocked at how expensive decorations and supplies are. If you want to throw a party that everybody will remember, you may buy fog machines, scary monsters that can pop out and terrify your guests, or turn your garden into a cemetery with coffins and gravestones for the ultimate effect.

All these items can put a dint in your wallet, which is why you should look to preserve and protect all your hard work by storing your decorations in a self storage facility. Halloween is one night a year, which means for the remaining days your decorations will by laying around your house until October 31st arrives again. In order to protect your investment and not have to buy items again, you have to make sure you are storing them in a safe and secure facility, which is why security is important.


You may be tempted to store your items at home, however this will take up valuable space and your decorations may become damaged and lost within all the clutter. All Spaces and Places facilities offer round the clock CCTV surveillance and each unit is fit with a ‘lock box’ in order to prevent tampering with your padlock. Learn more about the security features we offer here.

Spaces and Places not only offer safe and secure storage units throughout the North West of England, we also pride ourselves on offering great customer service. If you have questions about storing valuable holiday decorations, please get in touch.