It would be interesting to know how many people actually use their garages to house their cars in. The majority of homeowners appear to need to use the garage as secondary storage as the house is already packed to capacity with items that just can’t be thrown away. Imagine how much money could be saved on car insurance if a car could be stored securely in a garage overnight rather than on a road. Insurance
The rules surrounding business tax and accounting seem to be constantly under review however one part of owning a business hasn’t changed and doesn’t look likely to; the amount of paperwork that must be kept. Five years of customer records, accounts, invoices, order sheets and more take up a considerable amount of space and are rarely ever needed. The law is, however, the law and Lock N’Leave self-storage are uniquely placed to help a business

Keep Precious Items Close by with Regional Storage

Posted on February 20, 2012
Category: Uncategorized
Recent surveys suggest that a staggering majority of homeowners and tenants would like to improve their homes by simply having more storage space. As our families grow we accumulate clutter that we don’t need on a daily basis but find it almost impossible to throw out. The clutter culminates from memories and gifts that have been given to us over the years, added to this the family paperwork, books and letters and our possessions need

Pass Us Your Paper for a Clutter Free Office

Posted on February 7, 2012
Category: Uncategorized
All businesses accumulate mountains of paperwork. No matter how paper-free we try to be official bodies stipulate that we must hold onto written evidence for at least seven years. Computers are a wonderful tool for keeping records, however, despite the majority of businesses using them on a daily basis, as a nation, we’re still not 100% comfortable placing all of our important documents in the hands of a hard drive. No matter what the size

Simple Storage for EBay Entrepreneurs!

Posted on February 7, 2012
Category: Uncategorized
eBay is a fantastic way to make money, from the comfort of your own home you can buy and sell any product making a pretty profit. Many people use eBay to sell unwanted gifts or furniture; however, a craze is sweeping across the nation making entrepreneurs mountains of money as they search for a bargain to sell online. Whether you sell furniture, catalogue returns or your own crafts, storage can be a problem. As you

It’s a self storage craze!

Posted on November 9, 2011
Category: Uncategorized
Recent media reports only confirm what anyone looking for storage in Warwickshire already knows – the demand for self-storage is growing and there are no signs is a slowdown, despite the economic climate. Indeed the downturn in the economy may be fuelling the demand for self-storage. People hold on to items rather than folk out to replace them, even if they don’t use the items on a daily basis. Additionally, holding on to much-cherished possessions

All I want for Christmas… Is more space

Posted on October 24, 2011
Category: Uncategorized
Christmas is great family time but also often a very stressful one, and lack of space is often one of the causes of this stress. It’s easy to see why lack of space becomes a problem at this time: there are often guests staying; the house is packed full of presents, food, drink, trees etc; in addition, the kids are enjoying a long break by messing up the house; and there is often a never-ending

Happy Self Storage Christmas

Posted on October 24, 2011
Category: Uncategorized
Now that Christmas is fast approaching, it’s great to know that storage in Warwickshire can help local businesses maximise their festive sales. Here’s how: 1. Take advantage of bulk discounts The more you buy the cheaper it gets but storage can be an issue: either you don’t have enough space or it’s not cost-effective to rent extra. Using storage units in Warwickshire solves this problem. They are available for short-term periods so you only need

Why Self Storage means Business

Posted on September 13, 2011
Category: Uncategorized
It’s a difficult time for local businesses with lower demand, higher material costs and increased transport and energy costs. Maximising opportunities is essential for entrepreneurs, and self storage in Nuneaton and Warwickshire can help local businesses gain a competitive advantage. Here are just some ways: MINIMISE STORAGE COSTS Long term rental of warehousing and lock-ups only makes sense if they are used to their maximum capacity but that is rarely the case. It makes better

A Checklist for your self storage needs

Posted on September 13, 2011
Category: Uncategorized
Not all self-storage companies are the same. Not only does the type of storage vary from company to company but their terms vary too – minimum leases, access to units, deposits required and notice to be given to vacate are just some of the elements that can change from place to place. And, of course, the amount you pay also varies from firm to firm. If you are looking for storage in Warwickshire and Birmingham
Here’s a daily exercise for anybody who works in an office or studio: take a look around you. Do you see clean, clear spaces with everything sorted and organised, leaving you with a calm environment in which to maximise your productivity? Repeat this exercise daily. If your workplace is like the majority of offices in Warwickshire and the West Midlands you’re working environment will probably far from an oasis of calm. Businesses find increasing demands
House prices in the region continue to decline and there is fairly pessimistic talk about a further decline in both prices and sales levels throughout the rest of 2011. However, there are some steps to take to help you get the best out of the property market – for buyers and sellers. It might not be obvious to homeowners in the Midlands but taking advantage of storage facilities around the West Midlands and Warwickshire can