Moving house has proven to be one of the most stressful events that can happen in your lifetime. Studies have not only proven that moving house is demanding but moving actually ranks more stressful than starting a new job and getting a divorce. In fact, the new findings show that 61 per cent of people state moving house is placed at the top of their stress list. Further studies show that the stress of moving house will last with a person for more than three months. Spaces and Places understand we can not stop this stress, but we can help minimize your stress levels by following these tips.

Organise Boxes

This may sound simple, but it is easily forgotten. Start packing once you know your moving date. This way, you will not become overwhelmed a few days before you move. When packing, make sure you use labels that tell you what is in the box, and where it needs to go.


Protect your furniture from scratches and dints by wrapping cling film or bubble wrap around the areas sticking out.


Do not take all items of clothing off hangers, instead place them in bin-bags. This way, your clothes will be easier to carry, and once you arrive at your new home, you can place them straight into the wardrobe!


Take photos of all electrical wires in order to remember where each wire goes. Also, place each set of wires in plastic bags with labels on them to avoid stress once you start setting up in your new home

Bits and Bobs

Save money by wrapping valuables, crockery and other items in tea towels. This will not only protect your belongings; it will also save you time packing your tea towels separately.

Storage Unit

Once you have packed and organized the majority of boxes, place them into a storage unit near your new house. When moving day finally arrives, you will only have a couple of boxes, furniture and necessities to transfer to your new home. At Spaces and Places, all our units are available to access 24/7 which will reduce your stress levels significantly. All-day you have had set time limits; picking up and transferring your belongings can now be on your own time.

If you have any questions, specific demands or need advice, feel free to call Spaces and Places today.

May is nearly over and summer is around the corner, which means holidays, outdoor activities and sunshine!

Most of us struggle with money worries and throughout the year, money can control which holiday destination you can go to, how much you can spend on presents and where you live. At Spaces and Places, we understand that you want to get the most for your money, which is why we welcome phone calls to talk about what unit would suit your needs the best.

Why get a storage unit?

Studies show that having a cluttered house is a leading cause of anxiety and stress. This stress will not go overnight, however, if you spend a few hours a week focusing on areas of your house that look cluttered, you will be able to tackle the mess. Items that you will not be needing for a while, or are too memorable to throw away can go into self-storage. If you stick to a plan, and tackle one room at a time, within a month your house will be a stress-free and relaxing place to live.


If you are starting up a business, or have an established business but your workload is taking up too much room in your house, why not use a storage unit? Spaces and Places offer document storage for your important paperwork that you are not able to recycle. Many businesses also run their business from a storage unit as there are no added rent fees, and you are able to access the unit 24/7.


Storage units are used to place items that are cluttering your home, this ranges from clothes to furniture. Instead of filling up your garage, or nominating a cluttered room in your house, a storage unit is a solution. eBay is a popular site for you to sell items you no longer need and turn the storage unit into a stage, like one of our customers did.

If you want to rent a high quality and yet affordable storage unit, call Spaces and Places today.

 When your children move out of your home for the first time, it can be an emotional roller-coaster! You’re proud that they are growing up and maturing, but for selfish reasons, you don’t want them to leave. Not only will they be taking the next step in life, but your life will change as well.

You no longer need to worry about waking them up for school, putting a hot meal on the table or negotiating TV programs, your worry now is, what to do with their room!

Many parents leave their child’s room as they left it in case they come back home. However, if they have left for good, then what’s stopping you converting their room?

Memories will be the first thing that comes to mind. Your child has left, and this room is the last thing to remind you of the times when they were dependant on you. Also, you don’t want to hurt their feelings by throwing away their clothes and possessions, which is why a storage unit is a perfect solution.

By renting a self-storage unit, you are able to empty the bedroom and place all your child’s belongings in a safe and secure unit. This way, you are not throwing any memories away and you can finally convert the spare room into a room of your choosing.

A study conducted by the daily mail states:

·      Two-thirds of children leave items when they move out

·      Parents throw out on average £285 worth of items

·      1/10 argue every month about the clutter left behind

·      36% leave the room untouched

·      1/12 de-clutter a week after their child has left

Every parent loves their child unconditionally, however, keeping their room the same does not make you love them less, it ultimately stops you moving on as well. Throwing away their items may cause arguments while losing your money.

Store your items with Spaces and Places and start turning the spare room into your dream room.

If you watch any storage show, every episode leaves you in awe at the items found in units. Some items found even become published by newspapers and go viral on the web. Even though the chances of you becoming a millionaire by bidding on a storage unit is extremely unlikely, miracles can happen.

eBay, Amazon and other selling sites are popular due to a variety of items you can purchase. Vintage toys and unique items sell at high prices, and all the owner has to do to gain this financial wealth, is keep the items in pristine condition.

Remember when you were younger, and you received china dolls, beanie babies, toy cars and other toys you had set your hopes on Father Christmas bringing? If you saved these items instead of throwing them away, you may have won the toy lottery.

Trash to Treasure Items

·      A young couple went to a car boot sale and found a Princess Diana Beanie Baby and bought the toy for £10. Unknown to the seller, the Beanie Baby was 1 of 100 made in the world. The couple who bought the toy was able to sell it for an incredible £60,000.

·      In 2010, a person bid on a storage unit and what was inside? Newspapers on the day Elvis died. The newspapers were still in perfect condition and sold for $90,000!

·      An unopened Barbie from 1959 was auctioned on eBay and sold for $3,552.50. Wishing you had kept your Barbie’s now

Instead of wishing you hadn’t thrown items out, why not place them in a storage unit? The items will be kept safe, they will be in a secure environment and who knows, in a few years you may be bringing in a substantial amount of money.

De-clutter your home and place your unwanted gifts/items with Spaces and Places. Feel free to call us to learn more about our storage units.

Manchester throughout the years has become a top contender in the business market. The reputation of the city and the success stories that Manchester has helped create, caused more businesses to move/ expand their company in this great city.

Manchester’s success as a city has resulted in a bi-annual study confirming that out of 100 cities worldwide, Manchester ranked the highest European city. The study took a number of factors into consideration when making this decision, which are:

·      The cost of conducting business

·      Taxes

·      Transportation

·      Labour costs

·      Facilities

·      Utilities

The results state; Manchester ranks higher than London, Berlin, Rome and Paris.

Why should YOU do business in Manchester?

Manchester has attracted the attention of many investors, new businesses and businesses looking to expand. This has resulted in the city been noticed globally as well as locally. However, one of the downsides of conducting business in the city centre is the cost.

Renting a small space in the city centre will put you out of pocket if you are a small company. Many businesses choose to work out of a storage unit, as there is little risk involved and an extremely high profit to gain.

By conducting business in Winsford, you escape the standstill traffic and high rent costs, yet you are still close enough to benefit from Manchester’s business reputation.

Storage units allow your company to grow, as you do not need to pay council tax and the units are at a low cost to rent. You are also able to reclaim any VAT if you are VAT registered. When your business grows, you can rent more storage units to cope with your increased work demand and if your business isn’t getting much interest, you can cut down on storage units, with as little as a week’s notice.

This flexibility and cost-effective solution is why many businesses succeed. Call Spaces and Places today to begin your business journey.

Many people are still under the impression that storage units are purely used to keep household and personal items. Even though this is true, storage units are also widely used for businesses. In 2013, the BBC conducted a survey that found that 42% of self-storage space was for commercial use, compared with 39% in 2012.

If you are a business owner, you will understand how bills and overhead costs add up, and one thing you can do to reduce your cost is to work from a storage unit. Why…?


If you choose to rent a storage unit instead of an office, you will save £1,000’s. We know this because businesses have told Spaces and Places how much money they have saved! Not only do you not need to pay council tax and business rates, but you can also reclaim your VAT if you are VAT registered.


Instead of travelling through rush hour traffic, you can pick your own working times. With Spaces and Places allowing you to have 24/7 access, you can turn up and leave at your convenience.

Unnecessary risks

If your business is booming, then you can expand to other storage units, however, if your business is struggling, you can also downsize. There are no long-term contracts, which means you are not taking any unnecessary risks.

Secure location

Security cameras are used at many self-storage sites. At Spaces and Places, we have CCTV as well as secure fencing to ensure your belongings are kept safe.

If you are interested in how Spaces and Places can help your business and income grow, get in touch today.

Last month in Part I, we focused on the decorations that appeal to us and the different activities we all take part in through the winter and spring months. The weather has a large effect on the leisure activities we take part in, and if we are not careful, these activities can result in a cluttered home.

Read on for part II…


When you no longer need to wear a coat outside, we can officially say summer has arrived. The majority of people head to the beach and take part in water-orientated sports. If you own canoes, kayaks or a boat, you will understand how difficult it is to find a suitable place for these items in your house. Summer is also a time to hold parties and gatherings, so we all can take advantage of the lukewarm weather. Instead of placing your water orientated items and party items in the garage, why not rent out a storage unit?


Not wanting the summer to end, you may be tempted to go on holiday before the winter months kick in. However, with the weather in England being unreliable and for your own peace of mind, place items, which are meaningful and valuable to you in a storage unit. If you are curious about the safety of your items then feel free to read our blog on security at Spaces and Places.

Storage units help you organise your house depending on the seasons. We use a Christmas tree and decorations one month out of the whole year, so why let it take up valuable space for the next 11 months? The same applies to canoes and other water-based sports. When the sun is shining you head to the beach, however, where do you keep these items during the winter months?

If you want to make sure your items are not taking up valuable space in your homes, then call Spaces and Places today.

Collection points for picking up food has taken off in Nuneaton, and we are proud to say that Spaces and Places are a part of the Nuneaton Foodbank.

Nuneaton Foodbank is one of over 400 foodbanks nationwide. The foodbank’s aim is to help locals who are struggling for food, not to have to struggle anymore.

They have created a system that is easy to follow, easy to help and easy to get involved.

1.     Donate – Anybody can donate food, and you may even see volunteers asking you to add on an item at your local supermarket. Once you have paid for the extra food you have purchased, a volunteer will then take the food to a foodbank warehouse.

2.     Store It – Once the food arrives at the warehouse, volunteers then arrange the food according to the type, best before date and damages. The food is then taken to the foodbank centres where it is then made into food parcels.

3.     Clients – Anybody who is eligible for foodbank vouchers, go to a food bank centre and exchange their voucher for food. The nutritional food will last them for three days.

4.     Stay in touch – Obviously, this is a short term solution. Volunteers stay in touch with the clients and find a long term solution so they will not be in this position again.

Since the launch in 2013, 11,891 people (4,353 were children) have received food. The food and support have helped adults and children out of crisis situations.

Ask yourself, can you afford to buy an extra pack of long grain rice? If your answer is yes, then why not help somebody in your local area. A pack of long grain rice might not sound like much, but to somebody, it is everything.

If you want to help out local people struggling for food, head over to the Nuneaton foodbank website and become involved.

Let’s make a difference together, and help local people not go hungry.

Clutter is a problem that everybody can relate to. Whether you come home after a long day at work and throw letters and work on the side, or you have prolonged putting Christmas or Birthday presents away, we are all affected by clutter. However, a study conducted by About Health may put your mind at rest. Their study found that less than 10% say their homes are clutter-free. But does this mean that over 90% of people lead a miserable life?

Many people hold onto numerous items as they have a memory attached to them. Does this mean they have a miserable life? No. This means that they cherish memories, which has turned into clutter, resulting in an untidy house.

Studies show that there is a strong link between depression and clutter. When you walk into the kitchen and notice a pile of dishes in the sink, paperwork on the side and food everywhere, I guarantee happy thoughts do not jump to your mind. By making sure everything in the kitchen has a place, and washing up becomes a routine, your mind will automatically feel less cluttered.

The next step is the house. You might be shocked to know that most of us only wear 20% of the clothes in our wardrobe. By placing all your unwanted gifts, items, clothes and paperwork in boxes, you can then transfer them to a storage unit. You can then re-use any presents for Christmas, and your items will be in a safe area.

An article by Boston Herald also stated that firefighters are not able to perform their job to the best of their ability if a house is cluttered. It not only takes them longer to save a person, but the clutter distracts them, as they have to check nobody is trapped underneath the mess. Who knows, cleaning your house might save your life.

If you place the items that are cluttering your house in a storage unit, you will not only have a clean and tidy house, but your memories and valuable items will remain safe and secure.  Spaces and Places own storage units in Nuneaton, Winsford and Manchester. If you would like to learn more about prices and what storage unit would be best for you, feel free to contact us.

Contrary to what many people believe, the weather in England is not always wind and rain; we do experience the four seasons. Even though our summer seems a lot shorter than winter, us Brits love the outdoors. With winter being stubborn and spring hopefully arriving soon, it is a perfect time to organise your belongings and move the unnecessary clutter into a storage unit.


When winter arrives, stress and excitement hit everybody who is an adult. Christmas decorations will be coming out in December and sledges will be coming out the moment the first drop of snow falls. If you are like the majority, you will dread untangling the lights as you most likely threw them in a bin liner, placed them in a room and told yourself “I’ll worry about it when the time comes.” Imagine, next Christmas, not having to decorate or set up your Christmas tree, because you placed it in a storage unit. Imagine not having to enter an obstacle course to reach the lights and decorations that are at the back of the attic. Why not store your items in a self-storage unit to avoid this unneeded stress? Your future self will thank you.


The sun is shining, and even though it is still fairly cold outside, winter is finally over. The weather is perfect for long walks, cycling and other outdoor sports. If your family likes many sports, then you will be no stranger to the fact; sports equipment takes up a lot of space. Whether you store all the sports equipment such as table tennis or badminton nets in the garage or the storage room, why not consider a storage unit. This way you will be able to convert your storage room or garage to a room that is more beneficial to your family i.e. an extra bedroom, gym, bathroom, man cave etc.

If you want to make sure your items are not taking up valuable space in your home, then call Spaces and Places today.

It might come as a shock to many, but yes, celebrities use storage units too!

Regardless of their mansions, celebrities have many items that need storing, just like us! While some celebrities don’t advertise which storage unit they place their items in, some have slipped and forgot to make a payment or the tabloids have caught them in the act. Either way, these facts are surprising, shocking and strange…

Kim and Kanye

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are icons in the fashion industry, so it comes as no surprise that they have too many items to fit in their home. When Kim gave birth to North, a self-storage company offered them a full year free of service to use their facility. Due to the power couple being A-List celebs, it is most likely they are renting under a different name.

Burt Reynolds

Burt Reynolds is a talented actor, director and producer. Reynolds standout performance in “Deliverance” not only made him a well-known star but an icon. When Reynolds storage unit was sold at auction, the purchaser hit potluck. Items from the film “Deliverance” and a horse and carriage built by Dolly Parton were inside the unit, along with many other items. The purchasers ended up placing the majority of items in a museum in Florida, as there were too many items to keep in their home.

Barry Switzer

Barry Switzer is known in America as the former coach of the Dallas Cowboys. Having been a successful coach, he wanted another challenge and decided to set up a self-storage business name Switzer’s Locker Room in Oklahoma.

Paris Hilton

When Paris Hilton’s storage unit was put up for auction, the media and bidders had no idea what they were about to discover! Hilton’s private diaries were found, along with photos which she didn’t want the paparazzi and public to see. The person who bought the storage unit for $2,775 attempted to sell the items for $10 million.

Is your house becoming cluttered? Feel free to contact one of our experts to learn more about self-storage.

 Saturday 19th March… Put the date in your diary, it is National Clear Your Clutter Day 2016!

Jasmine Birtles is the lady who created this national day in the UK. Having worked as a finance expert, journalist and TV/ Radio presenter, Birtles decided her passion lies in helping people, which is why she created moneymagpie. Moneymagpie is Birtles way of helping people save money, as well as making money. Her website is filled with tips and tricks to help you pay for that holiday you didn’t realise you could afford.

The genius idea came to Birtles mind when she cleared out a room in her house that was filled with possessions she didn’t need. Now, cleaning out a room and decluttering your whole house can not be done in a day without you feeling stressed, tired and overwhelmed, which is why we are bringing knowledge about this event to you today.

Before the 19th March, competitions, videos and information online, in magazines and newspapers will help you determine between the good and the bad clutter in your house. Hopefully, you will become motivated and notice how much money you can make by selling and swapping your items that have been collecting dust for years.

On Saturday 19th March, experts will join Jasmine Birtles, who will help answer any questions or queries you have. If you are interested in joining the nation by clearing out your belongings, find out more about National Clutter Day 2016 by following the link.

Spaces and Places realise that selling and swapping your items can be a daunting task, especially if your items have memories attached to them. We encourage you to declutter your house, but if you are unsure about selling certain items, feel free to contact us for quotes on a storage unit. This way you have a win-win scenario… Your house is clean and tidy, while you still have the important memories and valuable items close by.